20 Best Guest Posting Sites in Brazil - High DA Websites | Punnaka

Top 20 guest Posts websites in Brazil

Guest posting is a valuable strategy for promoting businesses and increasing online visibility. Numerous websites in Brazil provide guest posting opportunities that aid authors in reaching a broader audience, facilitating individuals and businesses in expanding their reach and creating backlinks. Guest posting serves as a means to share your ideas with a wider audience.

Writing a successful guest post for Brazilian websites:

To report a successful guest post for Brazilian websites, it is essential to consider the following key points:

• Understand the Audience

• Choose High-Quality Websites

• Follow SEO Guidelines

• Build Relationships

• Boost Brand Awareness

Adhering to these guidelines can enhance the impact of your guest posts on Brazilian websites, enabling you to access a broader audience and generate increased traffic.

How do you pitch a guest post to a Brazilian website?

Pitching a guest post to a Brazilian website requires careful consideration. Here are some tips on how to throw a guest post to a Brazilian website:


Research the Website: First of all, before pitching a guest post, research the website's niche, audience, and guidelines. Ensure that your content aligns with the website's focus and that you follow their guidelines.


Craft a Compelling Pitch: Your pitch should be concise, engaging, and tailored to the website's audience. Emphasize the significance of your content and its potential benefits for the readers of the website.


Provide Relevant Credentials: Provide relevant credentials that demonstrate your expertise in your pitching topic. This can include your experience, education, or previous publications.


Follow-up: After sending your pitch, follow up with the website to ensure they received it and inquire about their decision. Be polite and professional in your communication.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of successfully pitching a guest post to a Brazilian website, ultimately reaching a wider audience and driving more traffic.


Guest Posts websites in Brazil:

Here are some of Brazil's top guest post websites that offer a platform for sharing valuable content and building essential backlinks. These websites serve as influential hubs, allowing you to engage with a diverse audience and elevate your online presence.


1. huffpost brazil

Domain Name: huffpost.com

URL: https://www.huffpost.com/

This platform allows guests to share their expertise, making it ideal for those passionate about contributing to the discourse on politics and advancements. Author contributors may find opportunities to share expertise in the field of politics.


• General News

 • Politics

• Culture

•  Lifestyle


2. Medium Brazil:

Domain Name: medium.com

URL: https://medium.com/

A famous platform where writers can share their thoughts and expertise. A broad readership makes it an excellent platform for reaching diverse audiences. A various platform covering a wide range of topics: 


• Personal development

• Technology

• Culture


3. Estadão - Blogs

Domain Name: qoshe.com

URL: https://qoshe.com/

The blogs section of Estadão, a major Brazilian newspaper. Covers various subjects, and guest bloggers are often welcome. Opinion pieces and blogs on various topics.


• News 

• Current affairs


4. Exame

Domain Name: exame.com

URL: https://exame.com/

A leading business and economics magazine in Brazil.Accepts guest contributions, especially in finance, entrepreneurship, and technology.


• Business

• Finance 

• Economic News


5. Folha de S.Paulo Blogs

Domain Name: folha.uol.com

URL: https://www1.folha.uol.com.br/

Folha de S. Paulo's blog section is one of Brazil's largest and most famous newspapers.

Opportunities for guest bloggers to share insights on various topics.

Opinion pieces and blogs on a variety of subjects.


• News 

• Culture


6. The Rio Times

Domain Name: riotimesonline.com

URL: https://www.riotimesonline.com/

An English-language news source covering Brazil. It is a popular platform related to News and information. 


• Rio de Janeiro

 • Brazil


7. Revista Época

Domain Name: oglobo.globo.com

URL: https://oglobo.globo.com/

A Brazilian news magazine that covers politics, economy, and culture. Guest posts may be accepted, and guidelines can be found on their website.


• General News 

• Politics

• Culture

• Lifestyle


8. Veja São Paulo

Domain Name: vejasp.abril.com

URL: https://vejasp.abril.com.br/

This platform focuses on lifestyle, entertainment, and events in São Paulo. This platform accepts guest contributions to the city's culture, events, and lifestyle. Articles and information about events.


• Culture

• Lifestyle 


9. Portal Administradores

Domain Name: administradores.com

URL: https://administradores.com.br/

A popular platform dedicated to business, management, and entrepreneurship. It gives opportunities for guest posts on leadership, business trends, and career advice.


• Business 

• Entrepreneurship

• Management.


10. TechMundo

Domain Name: tecmundo.com

URL: https://www.tecmundo.com.br/

This platform is related to technology. It is a focused website covering the latest trends and News. It accepts guest posts related to tech, gadgets, and digital culture.


• Technology news

• Reviews


11. Brazil Post Tracking 

Domain Name: parcelsapp.com

URL: https://parcelsapp.com/

A Huffington Post partner in Brazil, covering diverse topics. Guest contributors may find opportunities to share their perspectives.


• Package tracking 

• logistics information


12. Catraca Livre

Domain Name: catracalivre.com

URL: https://catracalivre.com.br/

It focuses on cultural events, travel, and lifestyle in Brazil. Guest posts related to cultural experiences and travel tips may be accepted.


• Events 

• Culture

• Lifestyle 


13. Revista Piauí

Domain Name: piauí.folha.uol.com

URL: https://piaui.folha.uol.com.br/

A renowned Brazilian magazine covering politics, culture, and society. Check their guidelines for possible guest post opportunities. This platform is the chance to guest post on various topics.


• In-depth journalism

• Updated News


14. JusBrasil

Domain Name: crunchbase.com

URL: https://www.crunchbase.com/

This legal and juridical platform allows legal professionals to share insights. It accepts guest posts related to legal topics and experiences, and authors can benefit from this platform.


• Legal and Judicial News

• Information

• Resources


15. Olhar Digital

Domain Name: olhardigital.com

URL: https://olhardigital.com.br/

A technology news website in Brazil. It allows guest contributors to share insights on the latest tech trends.


• Technology news, 

• Reviews and updates


16. Revista Galileu

Domain Name: revistagalileu.globo.com

URL: https://revistagalileu.globo.com/

A science and technology magazine in Brazil. It accepts guest posts related to science, innovation, and technology.


• Science

• Technology 

• Innovation


17. Meio & Mensagem

Domain Name: meioemensagem.com.

URL: https://www.meioemensagem.com

A marketing and advertising-focused website in Brazil. It gives opportunities for guest contributors to share insights on advertising trends.


• Advertising

• Marketing

• Media industry news


18. Superinteressante

Domain Name: super.abril.com

URL: https://super.abril.com

A Brazilian magazine that explores exciting and curious topics across various domains. Guest posts covering fascinating facts, discoveries, and unique perspectives are often welcome.


• General knowledge

• Science

• Curiosity


19. Hypeness

Domain Name: hypeness.com

URL: https://www.hypeness.com

It is known for its innovative and creative content, covering design, art, and lifestyle topics.

It allows the sharing of unique and unconventional ideas—innovative and creative content across various topics.


• Art

• Design 

• Culture


20. Revista VIP:

Domain Name:vip. pt

URL:  https://www.vip.pt/

A lifestyle magazine in Brazil that covers topics such as fashion, beauty, and celebrity news.

Guest posts on lifestyle trends, fashion tips, and beauty advice may be considered.


• Fashion

• Beauty 

• Celebrity news



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