15 Funny websites on internet that you must visit this week | Punnaka

funny sites on internet that you should visit

  • 2023-04-23 22:36

15 Funny Sites On The Internet That You Should Visit This Week

The Internet is a big digital world that includes millions of useful sites. Still, on the other hand, there are also useless or crazy sites created by their owners to spend an enjoyable time,

whether it is a game or a simple experiment, you are doing, or strange pictures. With these funny and exciting sites, be sure that they will attract your attention.

It will not let go and keep you entertained on the Internet for hours. Say goodbye to boredom now with a list of funny online sites you should visit this week to browse and enjoy. They are useless, but they are funny and entertaining.


1. Find the Invisible Cow:

Find the hidden cow, and remember to turn on your voice in this fun search game so you don't hear the cow!

Find the invisible cow on the blank screen. The closer the Pointer is to its hiding place, the louder the cow's voice.

After you find the invisible cow five times, you can choose to find, say, an invisible goat. It's stupid, simple, and perfect for killing some time, and you can play it for free.


2. Paper toilet:

Remember those days when you were wasting toilet paper without the slightest care?

Bring back those glory days with this hilarious interactive website that allows you to waste as much toilet paper as you want, tap and hold on to the paper and you'll notice that you'll unload it with fun.


3. 2048:

This website takes you back to your elementary school math memories and combines them into this fun 2048 game!

Using the arrow keys, try to merge numbers until you reach sequence 2048.


4. Drive Me Insane:

You can have some fun at someone else's expense with this hilarious and fun site!

You can pass the time by turning the lights on and off in their office, playing with a disco ball, and even displaying your private message on their computer!


5. Bees Bees Bees!

If you want to know what Oprah's first idea was before she gave everyone a free car in 2004!

Check out this site because a swarm of bees will attack Oprah and her audience. Find out how hilariously bees and buzzers are superimposed over Oprah's audience celebration!


6. Pointer Pointer:

Are you looking forward to getting lost in the weird and fishy? Browse this site and expect some chuckles! The site requires you to move your mouse pointer Pointer to a point on your computer screen.

Once the Pointer is fixed, a picture of a person pointing at it appears. Move the cursor, and another image of a person pointing at you will appear.


 7. Awkward Family Photos:

This website brings together all those embarrassing photos in one place. From painstakingly recreated family photos to hilarious shots of celebrities, couples, and more...

you can finally feel safe knowing you're not the only one with an album full of embarrassing photos or one that makes you shiver every time you see it.


8. Star Atlas:

If you live somewhere with light pollution, it's been a while since you've seen a constellation. Fortunately, Star Atlas has arrived with a digital view of the night sky at your location.


9. Freerice:

For every correct answer in this vocabulary quiz, "sponsors donate the cash equivalent of 10 grains of rice" to the United Nations World Food Program. It's charitable procrastination.


10. Radiooooo:

Radiooooo is like the evolution of Radio Garden. This site adds a timeline function so you can listen to the radio from anywhere and at any time. 

Dance to those 1910 Russian rhythms!


11. Huff Post Weird News:

HuffPost dedicates an entire section to its site for "weird news," aka headlines that will make you read it twice to ensure it's not fake.

Oh, and there is also a lot of content.


12. My Fridge Food:

At this point, your fridge has three random things, and you're starting to panic about your food choices.

Enter My Fridge Food, where you can put everything you have in the kitchen, and it will give you a recipe. It's a blessing.


13. The Wayback Machine:

See what your favorite websites looked like before they all got ~fancy~.

Type in a URL, choose a date, and the Wayback Machine will show you a screenshot of the site on that particular day in history.


14. MapCrunch:

Go on an adventure without leaving your house because you can't!

This site takes you to a random spot on the map, and all you have left to do is explore.


15. News of Future:

This site came out in 2012 to predict what headlines we might see in the future.

The idea was fun back then, but now that we're in the future, it's even more enjoyable.

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