Top 10 Home Decor Ideas -Visually Pleasing Highly Functional | Punnaka

top home decor ideas

  • 2023-01-10 07:45

Home Decor That's Both Nice and Functional

One of the biggest myths about home décor is that you'll be forced to choose between aesthetics and pragmatism.

Sure, sometimes a furniture piece that looks nice simply doesn't fit or doesn't provide you with enough comfort.

Sometimes, the shelf you like visually doesn't provide nearly as much storage space as you need. Luckily, this is not always the case.

Here are the top 10 home décor ideas that are visually pleasing and highly functional. Let's check them out!

Bar Cart

Bar carts are the very essence of the aesthetic functionality concept. They're like a cabinet or a coffee table that you can move across the room.

Seeing as how they're something that the majority of people associate with hotels (expensive ones),

it's the most straightforward and cheapest way to present your home in a more luxurious light.

Now, there are several ways in which you can use this bar cart. You can start by using them as liquor dispensers.

It's what they're made for, and even if you're not a drinker, the mere aesthetics of a lavish bar cart filled with exquisite beverages can impact the room's visuals.

A bar cart doesn't have to go to the living room or bedroom. You can also use it in your bathroom as storage.

With the right products, you can have flawless skin even at 40, but these products need proper storage.

This, however, can be a problem for those with smaller bathrooms. You can also use them in your home office to organize supplies or put them in a kids' room and load them with toys.

Witty Doormat

An inspirational quote is always a good idea. Visualizing your goals is essential, but you should never underestimate the importance of reminding yourself of something you already know.

So, if you pick a witty doormat, ensure the quote is as meaningful as possible.

A doormat is an excellent place for a quote because you just can't (or shouldn't) skip it when leaving your home.

Leaving your home and returning to it may be ideal moments to hear.

A doormat is also crucial for the hygiene of your own home. Cleaning your shoes is something that you should always do,

but if you're distracted, it's understandable that you might skip it. This way, while pausing to read the quote, you might just remind yourself what this mat is placed there for.

Magnetic Keyholder

Hunting for a nail/hook in the dark or intoxicated can be challenging. This, however, is a problem that buying a magnetic keyholder resolves both instantly and elegantly.

Remember that this is one of those long-term investments that, once you make it, you'll be thanking yourself for years and years to come.

The main reason why this is so aesthetic is that it complements the entryway into your home. Sure, you can post family photos and wall art here,

but the truth is that most of this area is covered in hangers, mirrors, etc. With an elegant key holder, you can set the tone of the space from square one.

Also, remember that there are so many different aesthetics regarding these keyholders. This means that you can easily find one that fits the palette of your hallway to start with.

Soundproofing Art

Wall art can be more than just a visual addition to your home. For instance, buying a sound-deadening wall art piece can improve the place's acoustics while making it more elegant.

Let's face it; people are spending more and more time indoors. This is problematic, seeing as kids are having fun behind their computers, adults are working from their home offices,

and even the elderly are tuned in to some form of digital entertainment. This can be pretty loud, and family members may start interfering with the activities of other inhabitants.

Now, most people would like sound insulation, but they have a problem with the look of standard acoustic panels.

Many people believe this belongs in a home office or a studio but wouldn't be keen on hanging it in a living room.

This is where this sound-deadening art changes the game in its entirety.

Hanging Planters

Hanging planters are unique and have an easier job of giving your home the "indoor jungle" vibe.

Remember that while hanging planters are brilliant, you can still combine them with other (more conventional) planter types. They're best used this way.

Most importantly, hanging planters are self-sufficient. They don't require extra shelving; they just need a nail or a hook to be hung on.

If you aren't afraid of occasionally bumping into them, you can, just as quickly, hang them from the ceiling.

The most practical thing about hanging planters is that they are anchored to a place you would otherwise leave bare.

If you hang them from the ceiling, you're using space that would otherwise be unused. This concept is a complete game-changer for those who are already tight on space.

Woven Baskets

You always need more storage space, and woven baskets are uniquely compact and practical. You can squeeze far more in a woven basket than you would expect.

You just need to consider the accessibility and fragility of items stored this way. In other words, not everything can go into a woven basket.

The reason why they're so aesthetic is that their texture is usually lacking indoors. One might go as far as to argue that a woven basket is a functional art piece.

While you have several pieces of wooden furniture indoors, woven baskets seem less processed, which gives them a rawer, more natural look.

The best thing about woven baskets is that you can use them as storage and an ornament.

You can just buy one to use as an ornament without any intention of ever using them for storage. However, the extra storage space will still be there.

Transparent Storage

Most products you buy nowadays have aesthetically pleasing packaging that could be incorporated into your home's décor.

The thing is that, when assessing storage, the two most important things are – how much space it takes and how accessible it is.

There's nothing more pragmatic than transparent shelving, as you don't have to rummage through the cabinets just so you can check if the item is there.

Remember that if the containers are transparent, you can even remind yourself when you're running low (on coffee, for instance).

Remember, this doesn't always work, so you need to figure out when and where you can apply this principle. Also, this can easily be combined with bucket storage, etc.

Vintage Lighting

You can never have too much light in your home, especially considering that you need both ambient and task lights.

It is generally a good idea to go for the layered lighting principle, so why not enhance it with some vintage fixtures?

A freestanding or retro floor lamp can enhance your living room reading nook.

Keep in mind that you have quite a few options depending on the rest of the layout. Restoring an old lamp, making a DIY shade,

or just shopping at a garage sale can help you find the necessary fixtures.

Remember that you still need to be power-efficient, so you should look for a LED bulb. Older fixtures spend more power, so try to even it out this way.

Bottle Rack

If you're a wine enthusiast, getting a bottle rack needs to be the No.1 on your to-buy list.

This is not only the most elegant way to store bottles of wine in your kitchen, bar, or living room, but it's also the most efficient way to do so.

Now, while even a cheap wine can look impressive when stored on a bottle rack, it might be worthwhile to consider the bottles a part of the décor.

This is an incredibly cheap purchase that can completely transform the aesthetics of the area. You can get it for as little as $15-$30.

Also, remember that while it's not just for the wine, it works best this way, seeing as how it was made for.

New Pillow Covers

What is so great about these pillow covers is that they keep your pillows safe, prolong their useful life, provide more coziness, and give the area a completely new look.

The thing is that, when buying a pillow, you should look at its physical properties rather than aesthetics. Why? Well, covers have you covered on this front (no pun intended).

Remember that they're easy to clean (far more accessible than the pillows) and take minimal storage space.

In other words, even if you're not thrilled about the idea, it's hard to give convincing arguments against it.

Wrap Up

Ultimately, each of these ideas works excellently as a standalone and provides unique options if combined with other elements.

Also, each of the above-listed elements is simple to implement and budget-friendly. This way, you get virtually everything you need in one place.

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